
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Baby Girl Nursery

Baby Girl Nursery

The nursery. It’s always the first thing I think about when I find out I am pregnant - is it just me? It could be my love for decorating, I am not sure. There was nothing like decorating my first nursery. I loved every second of planning it and when I became pregnant with my second, I was determined to make it unique for him as well even though it would be my second boy nursery. Each had its own style and personality. Fast forward to my third and final pregnancy…I found out I was having a girl. This was something I actually didn’t think would ever happen! I LOVE my boys and had figured I would be a life-long boy mom to be honest. I dreamed of having a little girl and I won’t lie, I was hoping that I would become pregnant with a girl for my last pregnancy. It was a weird thing, once I became pregnant, all of the hoping and all of the things I dreamt of were still there but finally, I was also very aware of the fact that I could be having another boy and can 100% say I was at peace about it (some may think I’m lying). All I wanted was a healthy family of five regardless and plus, being a mom to boys is kind of cool if I must say so. When I got the news that it was a girl this time, I had zero clue what I would do for my nursery because I had put it so far out of my mind that the daydreaming of all things pink had been pushed down so far. As the months went on, I slowly gathered ideas and thought about what I wanted it to feel like but honestly, I didn’t know where it would take me. I never had a clear vision for it for some reason. Overall I love that it feels girly but not overly frilly which was a hard balance for me. I LOVE all of the pink and purple floral things but I really didn’t want the nursery to feel that way. I tried hard to not add things just to add them but rather, buy things that conveyed a feeling while also providing a purpose. With under a week to go before my due date, I am starting to feel anxious and excited to bring her home and place her in her special space. I hope all of my children can look back and see how excited I was for each and every one of them to join this world and feels that I gave them equal attention when it came to making their first room a special one!

The dresser/changing table was a craigslist find for $25. I painted it this sweet and soft pink color called “Antoinette” by Annie Sloan!


Shop the room by clicking any of the images below (you will be redirected)

Dining Room Makeover

Dining Room Makeover